• وبلاگ : gfdsa45
  • يادداشت : قفسه سينه اي که فرو رفته
  • نظرات : 0 خصوصي ، 1 عمومي

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    متن پيام :
    حداکثر 2000 حرف
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    Converting content to other formats is very simple. For example, you can turn one of your blog posts into other formats such as e-book, video, podcast, infographic and more. buy mobile traffic to catch them right where they are at. One of your best prospects might be on vacation standing in a three-hour line at Disney right now waiting to ride a rollercoaster and is killing time getting a jump on their business goals trying to find YOU! All mobile traffic comes from iOS and Android devices. You can even target a category!
    For example, find one of your blog posts that is trending more and convert it into a video format. First, consider the number of social network shares and the number of comments posted below the post, then convert that post to another format and share it on social networks. For example, if your chosen theme is a video, post your post on social networks such as YouTube, Apples, Play, Watch, and more. This way, you can get more traffic from the web.

    -Promote your site on another blog

    To view more of your site, you can post your own articles in other blogs. For example, if you are in the field of website design, find bloggers from this area and send them an email saying that you want to create a quality and unique article that can be very useful for your blog and, in return, have a number of backlinks. Get. This way, you can increase your site traffic several times.